TREYVON MARTIN MARCH and PROTEST Dateline: Sunday July 14th 2013 Los Angeles
Hundreds of citizens of Los Angeles marched through the streets today in protest of the
recent decision regarding Treyvon Martin. Holding banners, signs and walking in unison.
The crowd was peacefully expressing their views about a decision they felt was wrong.
A wide variety of people, all ages, all races gathered in the central portion of Los Angeles.
BUREAU of Arts and Culture was on hand to document the groups concerns & action.
So were a concerned group of law enforcement. Los Angeles has seen devastation in the
past regarding decision such as this. We hope protests such as this will create a dialogue
among communities throughout the United States and avoid the obvious divisions that can
happen during interpretations of situations throughout the court systems. More on this as
the reaction to this decision continues here in Los Angeles, the United states & the world.